
i'd dap that

while in houston i met a guy briefly who was wearing a t-shirt with a b&s guage on it. he told me about some group or person who also made shirts that said 'i'd dap that." if you know who this person is, or how to acquire one of these shirts, let me know! this brings me to my next point of interest... new tools! otto frei just shipped me this super sexy dapping block set. after removing a lot of grease, i'm in love. 
{t h a n k s f o r r e a d i n g}



Little Things / In-Between

One week later... I've managed to sit down and pull through the mad SNAG cluster resting in the back of my thoughts and produce a little feedback.  Firstly, and most importantly, thank you to everyone in Houston that made our trip that much more easy and enjoyable.  I'm talking about all our friends and colleagues we've met over the years, the volunteers, the Hyatt staff, the taxi drivers, the Final Night DJs, the people that run that little Thai place down in the tunnel, and the guy who came up at 11:00 at night to unclog an already un-clogged toilet.  

Thank you for small things that made a huge thing that much more awesome.

I didn't get very many photos either, but I managed to scrape together a few shots of the -in-between- at SNAG Houston..

loving the hotel multiples..

between-lecture assemblage..

sunset view from the 26th floor..

pre-flight fruit tart and sweet, sweet coffee....

For another view of the SNAG / Houston experience, check out Anthony Tammaro's blog, which includes video talks with featured artists and SNAG members, and whirlwind tour of the two-night gallery hop in Houston's Museum District!

Can't wait for Seattle..



summer workshop!

I received a pleasant telephone call from Penland School of Crafts today informing me that I got into summer workshop I applied for with a full work study scholarship (yay doing dishes in exchange for an education.) This pleases me immensely! The class is called Form/Fab with Myra Mimlitsch-Gray. I saw her work and lecture in Philadelphia last year and she sort of became my role model. Also I have only a small amount of experience forming/raising and am really excited to give myself space to try my hand at some larger scale metalsmithing. The class is not until June, but it is always nice to have something to look forward to.

Penland is always an adventure... can't wait.



houston & sunny weather

Ok. Last week I went to Houston TX for the SNAG conference. I had a wonderful time meeting people, re-meeting people, seeing great shows, lectures, etc. Sadly, I took zero photographs. What was I thinking? I have a goal now, take more photos!!! And hopefully I will also be getting a nicer camera soon (i'd like to give a shout out to my tax return). Anyway, the conference also made me realize a billion other forgotten goals I have for the upcoming year. The winter made me forget a few things, I think I was in a snow coma for half of it. But hey, we made it through.

{Above are a couple photos of a ring I dontated to the silent auction at the conference. It's sterling and hand cut suede.}
It's good to be back in Michigan now it's sunny and 60 degrees. I went for my first bike ride further than the library (where I work). I went out to the Kal Haven trail head & I can't wait to ride out on it when i have more time. It is a total gem (photo opportunity)! It runs from downtown Kalamazoo all the way to Lake Michigan. I have never trecked the entire 33-miles (66 if you go both ways)...perhaps a summer goal...?

Will post later,

thanks for reading y'all.Lynn


he(art) jewelry

this is the first in a series of posts dedicated to contemporary jeweler's work that i appreciate.
{benjamin lignel}

benjamin lignel is an artist/designer working in paris, france. he began with studies in art history and furniture design. i very much like the 'in context' photo of the pieces above. i find myself drawn to this particular type of narrative or artful photographing of jewelry on the wearer. i like the multitude of meanings that could be read in the image and also how particularly simple or sentimental the pieces are. he also has a really beautiful collection of pieces called "Thinking of You" which are portraits of the ears of individual's loved ones. please take a look at his work.

{thanks for reading}